考研英语一真题解析视频网课 – 哔哩哔哩

考研英语一真题解析视频网课 – 哔哩哔哩缩略图


(45)they should know how to deal with setbacks,stresses and feelings of inadequacy.they should also learn how to solve problems and resolve conflicts,ways to brainstorm and think critically.discussions at home can help kids practice doing these things and help them apply these
考研英语一真题解析视频网课 – 哔哩哔哩插图
skills to everyday life situations.
what about the son or daughter who is grown but seems to be struggling and wandering aimlessly through early adulthood?parents still have a major role to play,but now it is more delicate.they have to be careful not to come across as disappointed in their child.they should exhibit strong interest and respect for whatever currently interests their fledging adult(as naive or ill-conceived as it may seem)while becoming a partner in exploring options for the future.most of all,these new adults must feel that they are respected and supported by a family that appreciates them.
[a]set a good example for your kids
[b]build your kidswork skills
[c]place time limits on leisure activities
[d]talk about the future on a regular basis
[e]help kids develop coping strategies
[f]help your kids figure out who they are
[g]build your kidssense of responsibility
本文选自英国《泰晒士报》(times)。文章标题为“how can a parent help?”(“家长如何帮助孩子?”)。文中,作者从其所著ready or not,here life comes(《不管是否准备好,生活已经走来》)一书中挑出了五点建议,帮助家长更好的引导孩子。
41.f该段主要讲的是父母应该在孩子十一二岁时经常与他们一起讨论他们表现出来的优缺点,和他们的兴趣所在,为他们的职业发展提供线索。因此,该段的中心是父母应该帮助孩子认识自我,即f项的“help your kids figure out who they are”。段中的strenghts,weakness,interests与f项中的who they are 相对应,而identify与选项中的figure out相呼应。
该段的最后两句是指出孩子设想未来的重要性。所以本段的主题应该是d项“talk about the future on a regular basis”。该项中的future与文段的中心相符。该段第二句中的regular也与d项中的on a regular basis相呼应,第三句中的discuss与d项中的talk about相呼应。d项正确。
(48)but the idea that the journalist must understand the law more profoundly than an ordinary citizen rests on an understanding of the established conventions and special responsibilities of thenews media.politics or,more broadly,the functioning of the state,is a major subject for journalists.the better informed they are about the way the state works,the better their reporting will be.(49)
in fact,it is difficult to see how iournalists who do not have a clear grasp of the basic features of the canadian constitution can do a competent job on political stories.
furthermore,the legal system and the events which occur within it are primary subjects for journalists.while the quality of legal journalism varies greatly,there is an undue reliance amongst many journalists on interpretations supplied to them by lawyers.(50)while comment and reaction from lawyers may enhance stories,it is preferable for journalists to rely on their own notions of significance and make their own judgments.these can only come from a well-grounded understanding of the legal system.
①结构分析:本句的主语为legal learning,谓语部分为has been viwed,as后面为主语补足语。所以本句的主体结构为legal learning has been viewed as。
②内容要点分析:traditionally意为“传统上的”。legal learning在句中做主语,应译为名词或名词性结构,“法律学习”或“法律知识”。be viewed as“被看做”。special preserves指“专有权利,专属”。intellectual equipment即“知识才能,知识素养”。
【范文】(1)this cartoon presents a very sharp conflict between two rivals,the goalkeeper and the ball striker of a football game.the former worries that he is too small to block the ball,while the striker thinks the goalkeeper is so large constructed that he is incapable of kicking the ball in.(2)in fact.
both of them are just normally sized.they minimize themselves and exaggerate the opponent just because they are lack of self-confidence.
(3)obviously.the meaning of the picture is to highlight the significance of self-confidence in our daily life.(4)people have witnessed the increasing intensity of competitions like iob searching over the past few years.nowadays,people are shouldering various pressures,mainly including theheavy financialburden to support old parents and kids.(5)we must keep self-confident and optimistic when we are facing challenges.only in this way,can we have the chance to survive and succeed.imagine,what will happen if we always exaggerate our rivals or challenges and underestimate our own ability?yes,we will become self-doubting and fail to fulfill even a simple task.
(6)a case in point is the anti-japanese war.in spite of being confronted with the most ferociousenemies,our party did not lose confidence,but made careful fighting strategies and finally drove the enemies out of our country.therefore,do not lose our confidence no matter how challenging the task is and(7)do remember the old saying:our only enemy is ourselves.
(1)开篇大体描述图片内容。this cartoon presents为图片描述经典句式。
(3)使用句型the meaning of the picture is to点明图片体现的主旨。
(6)举例论证观点。acase in point is举例经典句型。
(7)引用俗语:our only enemy is ourselves.
sharp conflict激烈的冲突
be incapable of doing sth.做某事无能minimize[estimeit]v低估;看轻be confronted with面对;面临
①this cartoon presents..…
②obviously,the aim of the picture is to…
③only in this way,can we…
25.which of the following would be the best title for the text?[a]strain of stress:no way out?
[b]responses to stress:gender difference
[c]stress analysis:what chemicals say
[d]gender inequality:women under stress
本文节选自the discovery channel(《探索频道》)“健康”板块一篇题为“gender inequality:women under stress”(“性别不平等:压力下的女性”)的文章。主要讨论了“在承受压力方面,女性比男性受到的伤害更多”这个话题。第一、二段引出话题并解释女性压力大是由于性荷尔蒙的分泌引起的;第三、四段介绍了女性感受压力的“机会比男性多以及男性和女性所面临的压力的不同特点;第五段举例说明女性遭受压力的性质;第六段重审女性承担的责任多、压力大。【答案与解析】
21.a事实细节题。根据文中第一段,dr.yehuda认为在面对压力时,女性更容易变得压抑(women are particularly susceptible to developing depression…),而且第二段解释这种现象的原因:来源于荷尔蒙的差异,所以a项符合题意。b项说女性的压力来自男性,偏离文章线索;文章第三段第三句比较的是男女面对压力的数量,而没有涉及到谁更有经验,排除c项;男女面临压力时,产生的触发器化学物质的量不一样,而具体变化趋势如何并未在文中谈到,排除d项。
30.which of the following best summarizes the main idea of the text?[a]the internet is posing a threat to publishers.
[b]a new mode of publication is emerging.
[c]authors welcome the new channel for publication.
[d]publication is rendered easier by online service.
本文选自the economist(《经济学人》)2005年9月一篇题为“scientific publishing-the 想paperless library”(“科学出版——无纸图书馆”)的文章。主要谈论一种新型的出版方式以及它给期刊杂志出版所带来的影响。第一段主要介绍传统的出版方式;第二段主要介绍新型的出版方式;第三段作者提到知识的价值和投资回报取决于杂志的发行量和易获得性;第四段介绍了新趋势下的几种主要出版模式。
26.d段落主旨题。文中第一段首句中的used to说明后文是对过去的出版过程的介绍。接下来的三句话就是具体介绍研究者在得出研究结论后是怎样将其发表在学术期刊上的流程,另外d中的traditional和首句中的used to相吻合,所以d项符合题意。a项介绍journal editing,偏离主题journal publishing;b项中的laboratory reports和research results意思不一致;c项在本段未提及。
genetically speaking, there are advantages to avoiding substantial height. during childbirth, larger babies have more difficulty passing through the birth canal. moreover, even though humans have been upright for millions of years, our feet and back continue to struggle with bipedal posture andcannot easily withstand repeated strain imposed by oversize limbs.says anthropologist wiliam leonard of northwesterm university.genetic maximums can change, but don
31. wilt chamberlain is cited as an example to .
[a] illustrate the change of height of nba players[b] show the popularity of nba players in the u.s.
[c] compare different generations of nba players
[d] assess the achievements of famous nba players
35.the text intends to tell us that.[a]the change of human height follows a cyclic patterm
[b]human height is becoming even more predictable
[c]americans have reached their genetic growth limit
[d]the genetic pattern of americans has altered
本文节选自scientific american(《科学美国人》)2001年7月一篇名为“napoleons revenge”
31.a推理判断题。本文第一段提到wilt chamberlain的例子,说明nba高个子球员的增加,从而导致整体身高不断增加,而第二段开头的though表转折,揭示本文真正讨论的话题:美国人的身高已普遍停止增长,这个现象刚好与第一段的例子相反。例子是服务主题的,而且它涉及到nba球员身高的变化,故a项为正确答案。b项的popularity和d项的achievements均未在文中出现,故排除;c项过于宽泛,因为本文只涉及到身高的对比。
40.washingtons decision to free slaves originated from his.[a]moral considerations
[b]military experience
[c]financial conditions
[d]political stand
本文节选自u.s.news&world report(《美国新闻与世界报道》)2004年1月的·健康”板块翠一篇题为“the sorry legacy of the founders”(“开国元勋令人遗憾的遗产”)。这是一篇关于篇美国文化的文章,讲述了美国开国元勋们对奴隶制的矛盾态度。第一、二段讲述了美国缔!造者们一些鲜为人知的历史,涉及到奴隶制问题;第三、四、五段从政治和经济的角度分析了当时的社会背景以及为什么受人尊敬的美国开国元勋们没有废除奴隶制;最后一段以
writing in the last year of his life,he expressed the opinion that in two or three respects his mind had changed during the preceding twenty or thirty years.up to the age of thirty or beyond it poetry of many kinds gave him great pleasure.formerly,too,pictures had given him considerable,and music very great,delight.in 1881,however,he said:(50)darwin was convinced that the loss of these tastes was not only a loss of happiness,but might possibly be injurious to the intellect,and more probably to the moral character.46.
①结构分析:本句主要包括一个that引导的宾语从句,主干是he believes that..…;从句部分较长,谓语部分may have had表示对过去的推测,宾语为compensating advantage,of后面的forcing him to.和enabling him to.….组成并列结构,是advantage的同位语。
②内容要点分析:that从句中的may have had表示对过去的推测,因此要译为“或许”来表达
这种语气。compensating advantages在原文中是指达尔文有一个缺点,即·不能清楚简洁的表达自己的意思”,但是后来这个缺点让他长时间的思考,compensating advantages翻译为“弥补优势”在汉语里不常见,所以这里可以译为“反而成了他的优势”。
51.directions:you have just come back from canada and found a music cd in your luggage that you forgot to return to bob,your landlord there.write him a letter to
1)make an apology,and2)suggest a solution.
you should write about 100 words on answer sheet2.
do not sign your own name at the end of the letter.useinstead.
do not write the address.(10 points)



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