

①the (first) photo is vivid and educational, and it describes a situation that 整体描述/第一幅图描述, which is extremely common in our daily life. ②(两幅图内容相反distinct from the former // 两幅图内容相似analogous to the former), the more striking scene is that细节描述/第二幅图描述. ③obviously, the implication should be given more concern.

①as is vividly depicted in the (first) photo, 整体描述/第一幅图描述, which successfully attracts our attention. ②(两幅图内容相反opposed to the former // 两幅图内容相似parallel with the former), what makes the (second) photo more attractive is the fact that细节描述/第二幅图描述. ③clearly, the photo(s) has(have) shown an implied meaning that 寓意, which needs to be given further analysis.
①it is worth noticing that the phenomenon that整体描述/第一幅图描述, just as what has been described in the (first) picture, prevails nowadays. ②(两幅图内容相反different from the former // 两幅图内容相似similar to the former),it is not difficult to find that 细节描述/第二幅图描述, (两幅图内容相反finally completing the contrast of the two pictures; 两幅图内容相似finally completing the comparison of the two pictures). ③what has been conveyed in the above picture(s)—寓意—is gaining increasing attention, and an analysis on it should be conducted deeply.
①in theory, several reasons may bring about the event shown in the picture, but for my part, the following two are the most important. ②the main reason is that原因一. ③in addition, there is the other point that no one can ignore. ④this issue also results from that 原因二.
①leading factors behind the above phenomenon vary with each person. however, from my standpoint, the following two should rank the top two. ②on the top of the list is that 原因一. ③in addition, there is the other point that no one can ignore. ④it is also widely accepted that原因二.
①various reasons are behind the situation described in the picture, but as far as i am concerned, the following two matter greatly. ②one factor that plays a vital role is that 原因一. ③in addition, there is the other point that no one can ignore. ④it is also owing to the fact that 原因二.
①according to the analysis above, it is advisable for us to take steps to carry forward the quality. ②of all the steps, mass media tend to function essentially in the job. ③only in this way can we embrace a bright future.
①in summary, the analysis i have made so far should at least make readers aware of the event. ②of all the measures, it is people’s actions that matter. ③if a person desires to achieve his own success, he should act in this way.


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