

with national benchmark scores for postgraduate admission having been released late last month, scores for each graduate school will soon follow. applicants who did well in exams will face the ultimate challenge of impressing an academic panel to get enrolled on a master’s degree.随着考研国家线即将发布,各大院校也将在短时间内公布自主分数线。而那些考试分数优异的考生们又将面对终极挑战:他们必须打动面试小组来获取研究生入学通知书。“the purpose of the interview is to get to know applicants beyond their paper application. it’s a chance for applicants to distinguish themselves from the other applicants and show the interviewers what makes them a better candidate,” said wei yuquan, the postgraduate dean at sichuan university.四川大学研究生院院长魏于全表示:“面试的目的是了解学生论文以外的情况。对考生们来说,这是一个令自己从考生大军中脱颖而出的机会,可以向考官证实自己是个更好的人选。”for students looking to further their study after graduation, tips offered by experts and students for the interview also serve as a guideline for their studies.对那些想在毕业后继续深造的学生们来说,专家及学长们给出的小诀窍也可以为他们的学业点燃一盏指路明灯。wu wentao, 24, a postgraduate majoring in software engineering at beijing university of posts and telecommunications吴文涛(音译),24岁,北京邮电大学软件工程专业研究生“in preparing for the interview it’s important to consider your audience – professors with expertise in different areas. so it’s vital that you read their research papers, books, and other academic work to learn about their interests and fields of study. with this knowledge you can impress the assessors and give the right answers and, more importantly, ask the right questions.“准备面试时,一定要考虑到自己的听众——专攻不同领域的教授们。所以你要拜读他们的研究报告、著作及其他学术作品,了解他们的兴趣爱好以及研究领域,这点十分关键。有了一定了解后,你才能打动考官们,给出正确答案,更重要的是,提出正确的问题。”different schools have a different style of interviewing candidates. this is where online forums for postgraduate study can help. on these forums, students share their experience of being interviewed by a particular professor, some recommend must-read pieces, and some even describe the interviewer’s interest in a particular research area.每个高校的考研面试风格各不相同。这一点就需要向研究生学习论坛来寻求 助了。在这些论坛上,学生们分享自己被某位教授面试的经历,有些人推荐了必读书目,还有人甚至明确写出某面试官对某一研究领域的兴趣爱好。finally, make a list of your own strengths, achievements, and any recognitions you’ve received. memorize the list and try to use examples from it to answer questions related to these traits confidently.”最后,列出自己的特长、成就以及获得的表彰并牢记于心,回答跟个人特质有关的问题时,尽量从中举例给出有力证明。”cui shangbin, professor in basic mathematics at sun yat-sen university崔尚斌,中山大学基础数学系教授“even if it’s an academic interview, i have to remind students that basic interview etiquette is indispensable. arrive at the interview location 15 minutes before it begins. dress appropriately – look neat and professional, which means no jeans, t-shirts or shorts.“虽然只是一个学术面试,我不得不提醒学生们,基本的面试礼仪是不可缺少的。提前十五分钟到达面试地点,着装要得体——看上去整洁、专业,不要穿牛仔裤、t恤或者短裤。”bring copies of your resume and any papers or presentations you’ve worked on.带上几份个人简历,以及你参与过的论文或报告。you probably won’t be able to explain them all in the time available, but it shows you prepared well for the interview.在有限的时间内,你或许无法全部阐述这些资料,但这能说明你为面试做了精心准备。address the professors on the panel with their names and titles to show that you’ve done some background research.”用姓名加头衔的方式来称呼面试小组的教授们,证明你之前做了一些背景研究。”wang di, professor of law at china university of political science and law王迪(音译),中国政法大学法学教授“students should know the program they are applying for very well. this means you need to be able to express your argument fluently when asked why you want to study that degree. how you support your arguments indicates the logic thinking and articulation skills required by the faculty.“学生们应该对自己申请的研究生课程了如指掌。当被问及为何选择这一专业时,你要能够流利地表达自己的观点。论述的过程决定你是否具备考取该院系所需要的逻辑思维能力和表达能力。”many students pay a lot of attention to the defensive side of the interview – which is answering questions. but successful candidates distinguish themselves by asking the right questions, too. it shows they know the research field well. a good question will also ignite the prof
essors’ interest in the subject and in you immediately. so make sure you do your homework before attending the interview.”许多学生过度专注于面试中的防守——即回答问题。但是成功的考生通过恰到好处的发问脱颖而出。这彰显出他们对于研究领域的深入了解。一个好问题会立刻引发考官对该主题以及你个人的兴趣。因此在参加面试前要做好功课。”


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