
原文标题:truth and lies online: falsehood flies


part 1
i ①across the french countryside, in the summer of 1789,rumoursswirledaboutvengefularistocratsbent onthe destruction of peasants’ property. ②it was not true. ③the great fear, as it is now known,tippedfrance into revolution witha flurry offact-free gossip and rumour.

ii two centuries later the methods for spreading nonsense are much improved. in the first paper of its kind, published in science on march 8th, soroush vosoughi and his colleagues at the massachusetts institute of technology present evidence that, on twitter at least, false stories travel faster and farther than true ones.

iii ①the study, carried out at mit’s laboratory for social machines, showed this by examining every tweet sent between 2006 and 2017. ②the researchers usedstatistical modelsto classify tweets as false or true, by applying data taken from six independent fact-checking organisations. ③that allowed them to categorise over 4.5m tweets about 126,000 different stories. ④those stories were then ranked according to how they spread among twitter’s users.

iv ①the results werestark. ②false information was retweeted by more people than the true stuff, and faster toboot. ③true stories took, on average, six times longer than falsehoods to reach at least 1,500 people. ④only about 0.1% of true stories were shared by more than 1,000 people, but 1% of false stories managed between 1,000 and 100,000 shares.

v ①the reason false information does better than the true stuff is simple, say the researchers. ②things spread through social networks because they areappealing, not because they are true. ③one way to make news appealing is to make it novel. ④sure enough, when the researchers checked how novel a tweet was (by comparing it, statistically, with other tweets) they found false tweets were significantly more novel than the true ones. ⑤untrue stories were also more likely to inspire emotions such as fear, disgust and surprise, whereas genuine onesprovokedanticipation, sadness, joy and trust, leading to the rather depressing conclusion that people prefer to share stories that generate strong negative reactions. ⑥perhaps not coincidentally, fake political news was the most likely togo viral.

vi ①the paper also sheds some of the first peer-reviewed light on the impact of “bots”—automatedaccountsposingas real people. ②the idea that russian bots in particular helpedswayamerica’s presidential election haslodgeditself firmly in the public consciousness. ③yet the paper finds that, on twitter at least, the presence of bots does not seem to boost the spread of falsehoods relative to truth.

vii ①the researchers were able to conduct a study of this breadth thanks to the business relationship between one of theirnumber, deb roy, and twitter, which provided its entire historical dataset ata steep discount. ②but more are likely to come. ③technology companies, and particularly social-media firms, are facing abacklashfrom regulators and consumers worried about the harm from their products. ④twitter,for its part, has said it is ready to offer the same dataset to other outside experts.

part 2
1.*swirl /sw??l/ v. 盘绕;打旋
2.*vengeful /’vend?fl/ a. 复仇的;有仇必报的
3.bent on 决定要;执意要
4.tip /t?p/ v. 使倾覆;倾斜
5.a flurry of 一阵
6.statistical model 统计模型
7.*stark [stɑ?k] a. 完全的
8.to boot 再者,除此以外
9.appealing /?’pi?l??/ a. 吸引
10.provoke /pr?’v??k/ v. 驱使;引起
11.go viral 像病毒般传播
12.*bot /b?t/ n. 机器人程序
13.automated /???t??me?t?d/ a. 自动化的;机械的
14.pose /p??z/ v. 佯装;假扮
15.sway /swe?/ v. 影响;摇摆
16.lodge /l?d?/ v. 嵌入;卡住
17.number /’n?mb?/ n. 一群人;许多人
18.at a steep discount 以极低的折扣
19.*backlash /’b?kl??/ n. 反冲,强烈抵制
20.for its part 就其本身而言
part 3
i ①across the french countryside, in the summer of 1789,rumoursswirledaboutvengefularistocratsbent onthe destruction of peasants’ property. ②it was not true. ③the great fear, as it is now known,tippedfrance into revolution witha flurry offact-free gossip and rumour.

ii two centuries later the methods for spreading nonsense are much improved. in the first paper of its kind, published in science on march 8th, soroush vosoughi and his colleagues at the massachusetts institute of technology present evidence that, on twitter at least, false stories travel faster and farther than true ones.

iii ①the study, carried out at mit’s laboratory for social machines, showed this by examining every tweet sent between 2006 and 2017. ②the researchers usedstatistical modelsto classify tweets as false or true, by applying data taken from six independent fact-checking organisations. ③that allowed them to categorise over 4.5m tweets about 126,000 different stories. ④those stories were then ranked according to how they spread among twitter’s users.

iv ①the results werestark. ②false information was retweeted by more people than the true stuff, and faster toboot. ③true stories took, on average, six times longer than falsehoods to reach at least 1,500 people. ④only about 0.1% of true stories were shared by more than 1,000 people, but 1% of false stories managed between 1,000 and 100,000 shares.

v ①the reason false information does better than the true stuff is simple, say the researchers. ②things spread through social networks because they areappealing, not because they are true. ③one way to make news appealing is to make it novel. ④sure enough, when the researchers checked how novel a tweet was (by comparing it, statistically, with other tweets) they found false tweets were significantly more novel than the true ones. ⑤untrue stories were also more likely to inspire emotions such as fear, disgust and surprise, whereas genuine onesprovokedanticipation, sadness, joy and trust, leading to the rather depressing conclusion that people prefer to share stories that generate strong negative reactions. ⑥perhaps not coincidentally, fake political news was the most likely togo viral.

vi ①the paper also sheds some of the first peer-reviewed light on the impact of “bots”—automatedaccountsposingas real people. ②the idea that russian bots in particular helpedswayamerica’s presidential election haslodgeditself firmly in the public consciousness. ③yet the paper finds that, on twitter at least, the presence of bots does not seem to boost the spread of falsehoods relative to truth.

vii ①the researchers were able to conduct a study of this breadth thanks to the business relationship between one of theirnumber, deb roy, and twitter, which provided its entire historical dataset ata steep discount. ②but more are likely to come. ③technology companies, and particularly social-media firms, are facing abacklashfrom regulators and consumers worried about the harm from their products. ④twitter,for its part, has said it is ready to offer the same dataset to other outside experts.





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