



eco-anxiety?is already?causing people to lose sleep?over climate change. now, a global study has found that a warming planet is also affecting how long people sleep, and the problem will get significantly worse this century even if humanity manages to rein in its carbon emissions.?our measurements of the impact of above-average night temperatures on sleep have previously been limited by being confined to single countries, lab studies or notoriously unreliable self-reporting of sleep.




to glean a better real-world picture,?kelton minorat the university of copenhagen, denmark, took data from sleep-tracking wristbands used by 48,000 people in 68 countries between 2015 and 2017.?he and his colleagues then paired the sleep data with local weather data, revealing that unusually hot nights are causing people to fall asleep later, rise earlier and sleep less. already, the evidence suggests that people are losing an average of 44 hours of sleep each year. by 2100, the researchers estimate people will lose 58 hours of sleep a year if emissions go unchecked. in a lower-emissions future, the figure drops to 50 hours.




minor and his team measured the level of sleep loss on unusually hot nights by comparing the data with a baseline of how much an individual sleeps normally. they also controlled for alternative possible explanations for sleep erosion, such as the wea
ther and the season.?“this is the first planetary-scale evidence that warmer-than-average temperatures erode human sleep. we show that sleep erosion occurs primarily by delaying when people fall asleep,” says minor.




some groups are hit worse than others. above-average heat at night had a larger impact on sleep loss for people in lower-income countries, women and older people. for those aged 65 and older, the effect on sleep of a 1°c increase in the minimum overnight temperature was at least twice that of younger age groups.




the researchers found that people failed to change their daily behaviour to cope with the lack of sleep, such as by taking a nap. people also failed to adapt across a season – for instance, by finding it easier to sleep on a warm night at the end of summer than on a warm night early in summer. “we don’t find evidence that people are adapting well,” says minor.




本文节选自:new scientist (新科学家)


作者:adam vaughan

原文标题:climate change means people are losing 44 hours of sleep per year






vt. 收集(资料);拾(落穗)
vi. 收集;拾落穗



n. 腕套,腕带;手表带,手镯;袖口



adj. 声名狼藉的,臭名昭著的




1.rein in ?? 控制;放慢;止住

2.planetary-scale? ? 行星尺度




原句:above-average heat at night had a larger impact on sleep loss for people in lower-income countries, women and older people.

结构:xxx had a larger impact on xx for some people.

例句:distance learning had a larger impact on students’ learning quality for students from families with below-average income.????


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