
















meet chihira junco, a tourist greeter at a shopping mall in tokyo. in her crisp blue button-down shirt, white blazer and pinstripe skirt, she stands in sensible pumpsbehind a counterin aqua city odaiba on tokyo bay, dispensingdirections to local sites and shops in japanese, chinese and english.

she is not, however, human. ms. junco — if you can use an honorificfor a machine — joins an incipientgroup of androids springing up around japan. there are also yumeko, areceptionist at the hen-na hotel, a robot-operated boutique in nagasaki, and matsukoloid, who appears in a popular television variety show with her human doppelg?nger, matsuko deluxe.

toshiba, the electronicscompany, developed chihira junco in collaboration with technology labs at several japanese universities. she and four other androids cost ¥10 million (about $93,000) to produce, but only ms. junco — chihira? — is currently out in public, while the others remain with their maker. the company said it planned to develop 1,000 more androids in 2017. by 2020, it hopes to make 10,000 a year.

at aqua city, which is popular with tourists and where a smallreplicaof the statue of liberty stands in a park near the mall entrance, visitors can tap on a screen to ask chihira questions like “where are you from?” (“i was born in mizuho-machi, nishitama-gun in tokyo. i now live alone in the minato ward”) and “what’s your favorite food?” (“i especially like watermelons and japanese pears”).

up close, chihara’s robotic arm movements give her away, as do her eyes, which blink only halfway. when she “talks,” she looks more like someone chewing gum than speaking. during a recent renditionof “my heart will go on,” from the movie “titanic,” her mouth barely moved and her gestures suggested a crossing guard directing traffic.

for those visitors who still long for genuine human contact, two actual human greeters stand at an information counter about 20 feet away.


(1) android[??ndr??d] n. 人形机器人

(2) march [mɑ?t?] v. 行进,行军

(3) on the march在行进中

(4) sensible [?sens?bl] adj. 朴素而实用的

(5) pump[p?mp] n. 轻便鞋

(6) counter[?ka?nt?(r)] n.柜台;操作台

(7) dispense[d??spens] v. 分发;施与,提供(尤指服务)

8) honorific[??n??r?f?k] n. 尊称

(9) incipient[?n?s?pi?nt] v. 初始的,早期的

(10) spring up 涌现

(11) receptionist[r??sep??n?st] n.接待员

(12) boutique[bu??ti?k] n.时装店,礼品店

(13) doppelg?nger [?d?plɡ???(r)] n. 相貌一样的人

(14) electronics[??lek?tr?n?ks] n. 电子技术

(15) replica[?repl?k?] n. 复制品

(16) rendition[ren?d??n] n. 表演


meet chihira junco, a tourist greeter at a shopping mall in tokyo. in her crisp blue button-down shirt, white blazer and pinstripe skirt, she stands in sensible pumpsbehind a counterin aqua city odaiba on tokyo bay, dispensingdirections to local sites and shops in japanese, chinese and english.


she is not, however, human. ms. junco — if you can use an honorificfor a machine — joins an incipientgroup of androids springing up around japan. there are also yumeko, areceptionist at the hen-na hotel, a robot-operated boutique in nagasaki, and matsukoloid, who appears in a popular television variety show with her human doppelg?nger, matsuko deluxe.

不过,她不是人。如果可以把敬语用在机器身上的话,地平小姐是日本各地涌现的初代机器人中的一员。其他机器人还有前台接待员梦子(yumeko)和松子机器人(matsukoloid)。梦子在位于长崎的精品酒店奇特酒店(hen-na hotel)工作,这家酒店由机器人运营;而松子机器人和她的人类分身松子deluxe(matsuko deluxe)一起出现在一个热门电视综艺节目上。

toshiba, the electronicscompany, developed chihira junco in collaboration with technology labs at several japanese universities. she and four other androids cost ¥10 million (about $93,000) to produce, but only ms. junco — chihira? — is currently out in public, while the others remain with their maker. the company said it planned to develop 1,000 more androids in 2017. by 2020, it hopes to make 10,000 a year.


at aqua city, which is popular with tourists and where a smallreplicaof the statue of liberty stands in a park near the mall entrance, visitors can tap on a screen to ask chihira questions like “where are you from?” (“i was born in mizuho-machi, nishitama-gun in tokyo. i now live alone in the minato ward”) and “what’s your favorite food?” (“i especially like watermelons and japanese pears”).

在海洋城这个很受游客欢迎的购物中心,入口附近的公园里有一个自由女神像(statue of liberty)的小型复制品——游客们可以点击屏幕,向地平小姐提问,比如“你来自哪里?”(“我出生于东京西多摩郡瑞穗町。现在我独自住在港区”)和“你最喜欢的食物是什么?”(“我特别喜欢西瓜和日本梨”)。

up close, chihara’s robotic arm movements give her away, as do her eyes, which blink only halfway. when she “talks,” she looks more like someone chewing gum than speaking. during a recent renditionof “my heart will go on,” from the movie “titanic,” her mouth barely moved and her gestures suggested a crossing guard directing traffic.


for those visitors who still long for genuine human contact, two actual human greeters stand at an information counter about 20 feet away.



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