#考研预告名#近亲成婚对子孙的影响是…来自北京昌平 教育…

#考研预告名#近亲成婚对子孙的影响是…来自北京昌平 教育…缩略图

??how tea gets its flavour


micro-organisms play a bigger part in tea-making than was realised


#考研预告名#近亲成婚对子孙的影响是…来自北京昌平 教育…插图

tea is familiar around the world. people drink more than 2bn cups of it each and every day. even so, it can pull surprises, as ali inayat mallano and jeffrey bennetzen of anhui agricultural university, in china, have just shown.


tea producers long assumed that the flavours of the most widely drunk varieties of this beverage, so-called black teas like darjeeling, assam and english breakfast, were a consequence of some of the chemicals in tea leaves being oxidised while those leaves were being dried.?

长时刻以来,茶叶出产商一向认为,最受等待的茶叶品种——红茶(如大吉岭红茶、阿萨姆红茶和英式早餐红茶)的风味是茶叶中的一些化学物质在单调进程中被氧化的成果。dr mallano and dr bennetzen suspected, however, that, like the flavours of more expensive and rarefied “dark” teas such as kombucha, pu-erh and anhua, black-tea flavours are at least partly a product of fermentation. this would mean they could be?manipulated?by tweaking the mix of micro-organisms doing the?fermenting.可是,马拉诺和贝内岑认为,就像康普茶、普洱茶和安化黑茶等更名贵、更稀有的“深色”茶的味道相同,红茶的风味在必定程度上也要归功于发酵的产品。这意味着红茶的风味可以经过调整发酵进程中微生物的比例来控制。

to test their hypothesis they obtained some leaves from the dongzhi tea plantation in anhui province. as they explain in the journal of agricultural and food chemistry, they then sampled the microbes thereon before?sterilising?half of the leaves in mild bleach for five minutes.?


after that (having washed the sterilised leaves thoroughly, to get rid of the bleach) they processed both the sterilised and the unsterilised leaves in the normal way. in other words, they withered, rolled, oxidised and dried them.?


they then tested them all for microbes once more. they also tested the result of all this treatment in a more time-honoured manner, by brewing numerous cups of tea.


if oxidation were the main cause of chemical change in black-tea leaves as they were processed, the sterilisation would have made little difference either to the chemistry or the taste of the final product. but this was not the case.?


black tea brewed from unsterilised leaves had, as per normal, lots of catechins and theanine, both of which made it flavourful. tea made from sterilised leaves did not, and its taste suffered as a consequence. black tea, then, seems to get its flavour in the same way that dark tea does.


the next job, which dr mallano and dr bennetzen are now engaged in, is to identify the bugs involved. once they have done that, tweaking the microbial mixture to produce novel flavours should become possible. and that is good news for tea snobs everywhere.?





manipulate?[m??n?pjule?t] v. 操作;支配;篡改

ferment?[f?r?ment] v. 发酵;骚动;激起

sterilise?[?ster?la?z] vt. 消毒;灭菌

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