

考研阅览短语:sth has been thrown into sharper relief. 某事端得愈加清楚;the incompatibility of their interests has only been thrown into sharper relief. 他们利益间的不相容变得愈加清楚。a great deal of attention is being paid today to the so-called digital divide — the division of the world into the info(information) rich and the info poor. and that divide does exist today. my wife and i lectured about this looming danger twenty years ago. what was less visible then, however, were the new, positive forces that work against the digital divide. there are reasons to be optimistic.55. digital divide is something ________.[a] getting worse because of the internet[b] the rich countries are responsible for[c] the world must guard against[d] considered positive todaya great deal of attention is being paid today to the so-called digital divide — the division of the world into the info(information) rich and the info poor. and that divide does exist today. my wife and i lectured about this looming danger twenty years ago. what was less visible then, however, were the new, positive forces that work against the digital divide. there are reasons to be optimistic.今日,我们非常重视所谓的是信息差异疑问——世界上信息本钱丰厚的区域和信息本钱匮乏的区域之间的差异;这个差异的确存在,我和我老婆20年前就曾谈及这个接近的风险。可是,那时还不太显着的是一些反抗信息差异的、新的活泼要素。实践上咱们是完全有理由感到旷达的。55. digital divide is something ________.[a] getting worse because of the internet[b] the rich countries are responsible for[c] the world must guard against[d] considered positive today题型辨认:细节题题干定位:定位第一段思路解析:精读原文的答案来历句:第一句:简略介绍啥是信息差异第二句:招认存在第三句:要点掌控:looming (迷糊的)danger最终两句不是讲信息差异了而是敌对信息差异的力气。选项分析:a.因果差错。而且第一段中没有谈到互联网的疑问。b.强加因果,常识烦扰,认为坏
事都是富国干的,这是不对的。c.文中谈到是风险,那么就大约去防备。(附和改写)正确答案guard 有两个意思,一个是维护,一个是防备,不一样的分配意思也纷歧样。d.“敌对信息差异的力气”才被认为是正面的。掉包了主语,所以不对

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