

1、考英语差点考稳当场晕倒 正本就睡了四五个小时 正午回来也挺吵没睡着,天晓得阅览上来第一个题我就死了 翻译也是牛皮,我从地心说和十七世纪强行联想到了文艺复兴,其实正本方案改了的,然后还剩一个小时的时分脑子转不动了没有替换词了就懒得改了,没想到猜对了?
2、我必定晓得! 因为看展览看多了,我最喜爱文艺复兴时期的展览。

21.copper and her colleague argue that a "town of culture" award would ___.
a. consolidate the town city ties in britain
b. promote cooperation among brain’s towns
c. increase the economic strength of brain’s towns
d. focus brain’s limited resources on cultural events.
22.according to paragraph 2, the proposal might be regarded by some as ______.
a.a sensible compromise
b.a self-deceiving attempt
c.an eye-catching bonus
d.an inaccessible target
23. the author suggests that a title holder is successful only if it ______
a. endeavor to maintain its image
b. meets the aspiration of its people
c. brings its local arts to prominence
d. commits to its long-term growth
24. “gl
asgow” is mentioned in paragraph 3 to present ______
a. a contrasting case
b. a supporting example
c. a background story
d. a related topic
25. what is the author’s attitude towards the proposal?
a. skeptical b. objective c. favorable d. critical
progressives often support the diversity mandates as a path to ensure equality and a way to level the playing field……
46. with (the gap between) the church’s teachings and ways of thinking being eclipsed by the renaissance, the gap between the medieval and modern periods had been bridged, leading to new and unexplored intellectual territories.
47. before each of their revelations, many thinkers at the time had sustained more ancient ways of thinking, including the geocentric view that the earth was at the centre of our universe.
48. despite attempts by the chuch to sop suppress this new generation of logicians and rationalists,more explorations for how the universe functioned were being made at a rate that people could no longer ignore.
49. as many took on the duty of trying to integrate reasoning and scientific philosophies into the world, the renaissance was over and it was time for a new era.
50. such actions to seek knowledge and to understand what information we already knew were captured by the latin phrase’s ’sapere aude’ or ’dare to know’.
1. on
2. match
3. enjoyment
4. intensified
5. issued
6. at
7. avoid
8. easily
9. while
10. conclusive
11. bound
12. in addition to
13. fortunate
14. after all
15. connected
16. served
17. to be fair
18. entirely
19. promise
20. end up


31. which of the following is true about madrid’s clean air zone?
a. its effects are questionable.
b. it has been opposed by a judge.
c. its fate is yet to be decided.()
d. it needs tougher enforcement.
32. which is considered a weakness of the city-level measures to tackle dirty air?
a. they are biased against car manufacturers.
b. they prove impractical for city councils.
c. they are deemed too mild for politicians.
d. they put too much burden on individual motorists.()
33. the author believes that the extension of london’s ulez will .
a. arouse strong resistance.()
b. ensure khan’s electoral success.
c. improve the city’s traffic.
d. discourage car manufacturing.
34. who does the author think should have addressed the problem?
a. local residents
b. mayors.
c. councilors.
d. national governments.()
35. it can be inferred from the last paragraph that auto companies .
a. will raise low-emission car production
b. should be forced to follow regulations()
c. will upgrade the design of their vehicles
d. should be put under public supervision
36. generation zs graduating college this spring—-
a. are recognized for their abilities.
b. are optimistic about the labor market.
c.are in favor of office job offers.
d. are drawing growing public attention.
37. generation zs are keenly aware________
a.what their parents expect of them
b.how valuable a counselor’s advice is
c.what a tough economic situation is like
d.how they differ from past generation
38. assuage (line 9 paragraph 2)
a. deepen
b. define
c. maintain
d. relieve
39. it can be learned from para. 3 that generation 2s____
a. give top priority to professional training
b. have a clear idea about theri future jobs
c. care little about their job performance
d. think it hard to achieve wrok-life balance
it is almost impossible for everyone to go through life without experiencing some kind of failure. but the wonderful thing about failure is that it’s entirely up to us to decide how to look at it.
that we would never have learned otherwise.for instance,failure can help you discover your turest friends,or help you find unexpected motivation to succeed.
suppose you are planning a tour of historical site for a group of a international students
1) say something about the site
2) give some tips for the tour
you should write about 100 words on the answer sheet.
do not use your own name at the end of the email. use “li ming” instead.
do not write the address. (10 points)


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