

3月20日,科睿唯安官方发布了2023年最新的sci目录,当前共有scie期刊9509本,其间有35本期刊俄然被除去。包括影响因子高达7.31的oxidative medicine and cellular longevity和许多科研硕博耳熟能详的journal of oncology,我们在之后的投稿中,需要留心:
1.advances m materials science and?engineering? ??2.098?
2. annals of palliative medicine??1.925
3. annals of translational medicine 3.616?
4. applied nanoscience 3.869?
5. biomed research inteimational 3.246
6. computational and mathematical methods?2.809?
7. neuroscience computational intelligence and 3.120?
rent engineering-research and 2.118?
9. contrast media & molecular imaging 3.009?
10. disease markers 3.464?
11. evidence-based complementary and?alternative medicine?2.650?
12. food science and technology 2.602?
13.fresenius environmental bulletin 0.618?
14.?international journal of environmental?research and public health?4.614
15. journal of coastal research?1.110?
16. journal of environmental and public health?2.791?
17. ecology journal of environmental protection and ecology 0.507?
18. journal of healthcare engineering 3.822?
19. journal of nanomaterials 3.791?
20. journal of oncology 4.501?
21. journal of renewable materials 2.115?
22. agronomy journal of the american society of ?agronomy
23. mathematical problems in engineering?1.430?
24. mobile information systems 1.863?
25. netherlands journal of medicine 1.105?
26. ochrona srodowiska?
27. oxidative medicine and cellular longevity 7.310?
28. progress in nutrition 0.567?
29. psychiatria danubina 2.696?
30. revista brasileira de medicina do esporte?0.652?
31. scanning 1.750?
32. scientific programming 1.672?
33. security and communication networks 1.968?
34. waves in random and complex media 4.051?
35. wireless communications &mobile 2.146?

以上除去名单中,hindawi有多达18本,许多期刊都是之前被科睿唯安设定为重视期刊(on hold),而如今究竟被除去。和hindawi同为出名oa出书社的frontiers可以也要亲近重视,因为其旗下的frontiers in psychology当前也现已处于on hold状况!


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