中国人最容易犯的英汉翻译错误 – 翻译硕士 考研论坛(容易犯罪的人群)

中国人最容易犯的英汉翻译错误 – 翻译硕士 考研论坛(容易犯罪的人群)缩略图


译协官网上的资料,辛苦整理的,希望对大家有所 助~




(1)they were patiently listening to him. 他们在耐心地听他讲。

(2)he quickly stood up. 他很快地站起来。

(3)i will gladly join you in the work. 我会乐意地和你一起工作。



this is a nato matter and any comment on it should appropriately come from nato.

将appropriately come from nato译成显然不通。从意义上看,appropriately与其说是表示动作come的方式,还不如说是表示其结果,因此该词应抽出来放到后面,将此句译为:这是北约的问题,关于此问题的评论应由北约做出,这才是适宜的。


law enforcement cannot responsibly stand aloof.




1. in the late 14th century, marco polo famously made his way along trade routes from italy to china.


2. their commander wisely judged to be safer in their works than in the field.



3. chimpanzees are the animals closest biologically to humans.


4. tami said it was possible, just statistically unlikely.


5. the second child she dreamed of might now be medically impossible.


6. only 18 percent are officially unemployed.


7. real-estate prices in downtown manhattan looked prohibitively expensive.


8. she was remarkably silent when the others all talked and laughed.


9. it was a vast and treacherous landscape, but breath-takingly beautiful.


10. a schoolmaster, finding such errors in a schoolboys essay, would be justly indignant.

小学老师在学生的作文里发现这样的错误一定会生气,而生气不是没 理的。

11. voters were understandably confused by the identical caser names on the ballot, and the split vote sent the real candidate caser down to defeat in the primary.



12. the sleek turbines of the american windmills made economic and ecological sense.

美国造了许多风力磨坊,这从经济和生态角度看是 理的。

13. now we stay a respectful distance him.

当然不能将a respectful distance译为。

14. he had a sound feeling that idioms were the backbone of a language and he was all for the racy phrases.

他感到习语是语言的主要支柱,因此特别主张用生动的短语,他的想法是很 理的。

15. the prisoners of war are allowed to write censored letter.


16. we should be very cautious when buying expensive things and ask ourselves if we are making a wise purchase.


又如:i wouldnt have eaten it, only im too ladylike to take it out of my mouth. 这一句中的ladylike很难用一个中文词来表达,其意思是

《中国人最容易犯的英汉翻译错误》 (二)



1)他不顾危险冲进大火去抢救被困在屋子里的人。ignoring the danger, he rushed into fire to rescue those trapped in the house.

2)他奋不顾身跳进急流去救那个男孩。he jumped into the torrent to save the boy disregarding his own life.

从语法上看这两句都没错,粗一看用词好像也没问题,甚至有的词典也是这样译的。英译的问题其实出在ignore和disregard这两个词上。我们来看看最新版(第四版)的longman dictionary of contemporary english 对disregard下的定义:(1)[ v ]to ignore something or treat it as unimportant; (2) [ n ] when someone ignores something they should not ignore. 再看ignore的定义:1. to deliberately pay no attention to something that you have bee told or that you know about, 2. to behave as if you had not heard or seen someone or something. 从中我们可以看出这两个词都强调故意,所以,这样译把好事译成了坏事,给人以故意拿生命开玩笑的感觉。这里正确的词应该是regardless,当然,用at the risk of ones life(冒着生命危险)也可以。

这提醒我们要辨别英语中表示否定的词缀的确切含义,比如dis-和-less都是表示否定的词缀,但含义是不一样的:-less一般加在名词之后,表示,从意思上说和加在动词前的un-类似,表示一般意义上的否定,如a coverless box是,uncover a box(与cover a box相反的动作)意为,但是,discover a box则是的意思,即dis-所表示的否定意思比un-还要进一步。有时,加上否定词缀后词义会发生变化,大家都知道uneven并不是even的反义词;uninterested是interested的反义词,表示,可是disinterested的意思却是。


3)他没有脱衣服就跳下水去救那个落水儿童。he jumped into the water to save the drowning child without taking off his clothes.

这样翻译出来的英语让人觉得脱衣服是救人之前一项必需的程序,如果译为he didnt even take off any clothes或he had no time to take off his clothes就会好得多。有人问能不能说he jumped into the water to save the drowning wholly dressed,我也认为不好,因为wholly dressed给人一种的感觉。如果有人故意出洋相,不脱衣服调入游泳池,倒可以说he jumped into the swimming pool without taking off his clothes/wholly dressed.

《中国人最容易犯的英汉翻译错误》 (三)

live and learn


我们先来看新版的longman dictionary of contemporary english(longman出版公司,第四版)是怎么说的。该词典live条下的第20条即是:you live and learn,其解释为:used to say that you have just learned something that you did not know before, 还注明是spoken(口语)。这是在学会或得知某个新东西或知识后的一句感叹。分析一下其结构,等于as long as one lives one can always learn new things. (只要活着,不管年龄多大,总能学到新东西。)这多是上岁数的人,尤其是在自己本以为对某个方面的知识知道得很多,却意外的学到新东西时说的。《英汉大词典》(上**出版社,2007年,第二版)提供了三种译文:。

汉语中的的动作或过程,译成英语因该是keep studying as long as you live / all your life. 英语中的learn是一个。

其实,英语中的连词and有很多意思,远不是一个能概括的,比如把live and learn倒过来,learn and live就隐含了不同的结构,相当于only after you have learned how to live can you live a good life.意思是:而live and let live这句英语谚语的意思确实劝人们要互相容忍,尤其是要宽容别人:。


此外,英语列举超过三项事务时,在最后一项之前要加上一个and,如:a, b, and c(注意:and之前要有个逗号),许多人都翻译成。

学英语最难的地方不是背语法条条,也不是要记许多单词,而是对看似简单的词语有正确的理解,特别要注意英语和汉语不同的习惯用法所表达的意思。一个and就可以有好多意思,你是不是想要感叹live and learn呢?

《中国人最容易犯的英汉翻译错误》 (四)

现在许多食品包装上都加上了英文,这对大量生活在我国的外国朋友提供了很大的方便。但是商品包装和说明书上的英语照中文原文的,实在令人不敢恭维,有的甚至会闹笑话。比如,有一种小袋榨菜上印道:this preserved vegetable is made by scientific method. 其相对的中文原文是:且不说preserved vegetable 可以指任何(用各种方法)腌制的蔬菜,范围比榨菜要广得多,从语言上看这里更有两个问题:首先,一般食品不是made(制造的),而是processed(加工而成的);其次,scientific一词让人想到人工添加剂等化学成分,很可能会吓走外国顾客的。

最有意思的是该说明最后部分的英译:open it and help yourself, please! 也许,原译者觉得能想到吧译成help yourself这样地道的英文而沾沾自喜呢!但根据这样的英文,顾客可以在商场里随意打开包装袋进行品尝而不付钱,因为这一句英文完全是叫人们的口气,外国朋友很可能会认为这些榨菜是厂家请顾客品尝的样品。

当然,中国人不会真的去吃,我们知道中文的意思是说,袋里的榨菜可以直接食用而无须进行任何加工,不用洗,不用切,更不用烹饪。其实这样的意思应译为ready to be served,即可以直接装盘上桌。

英语中的eat和中文的的动作时才用eat一词,如一个人整天嘴巴不停,可以说他是eating the whole day,大人催促孩子快吃饭时会说eat your lunch, quick! 而一般情况下往往用take,have等词代替eat一词。

真正到位的翻译不能光译出字面的意思,还应该译出原文的语用意义,即作者或说话人通过这样的话语到底想表达什么意思,达到什么目的。人们说话有时是直来直去的,更多时候会采取比较婉转礼貌的方式,而在这一点上,中文和英文往往有不同的方法。比如,是中文里常用的一句问候语,表示说话人对对方的关心。可是问老外have you eaten颇有点干涉别人私事的意思,当然你准备请对方吃饭时可以这样问。不过,如果是小伙子这样问姑娘,其动机可能就不仅是请对方吃饭了。

《中国人最容易犯的英汉翻译错误》 (五)


get是一个普通的英语词,初学英语的都知道其基本意思是,那么dont get high hat(1)是的意思吗?get还可以组成许多习语,如get off是的意思,可是再看这一句:he was trying to tell me how to do my job, but i soon told him where to get off(2)。前半句好理解,的意思呢?get也是一个常用的系动词,相当于be,可用于(主要在口语中)构成被动语态,可是有人板起脸对另一个人说get lost!(3),是不是叫他的意思呢?又怎么会用在祈使句里呢?

其实,get的意思非常多,汉语里很难找到一个相对应的词。第1句的意思是叫人;而第2句后半句则有点儿相当于汉语中说的;而第3句则是在觉得某个人很讨厌,想叫他走开时说的,相当于的意思。更注意的是,这一句话口气很重,只有十分生气时才这样说。类似的说法还有get stuffed!(此句也用于生气的拒绝某人时)。


i got on horseback within ten minutes after i got your letter. when i got to canterbury i got on a chaise for town: but i got wet through, and have got such a cold that i shall not get rid of it in a hurry. i got to the treasury about noon, but first of all got shaved and dressed. i soon got into the secret of getting a memorial before the board, but i could not get an answer then; however, i got intelligence from a messenger that i should get one next morning. as soon as i got back to my inn, i got my breakfast, and, having got dressed, i got out in time to get an answer to my memorial. as soon as i got it, i got into a chaise, and got back to canterbury by three, and got home for tea. i have got nothing for you, and so adieu.


现在有许多流行的口语含有get 一词,尤其是美国口语。有的意思还能勉强看得出来,如:dont get me wrong是别误会我/不要冤枉我的意思,而get an eyeful。则是的意思。

而有些说法来自俚语,后来成了时髦的口语,但从字面很难推导出其确切含义,这就需要我们勤查字典(千万不要自作聪明瞎猜)。比如lets get real的意思是(也可以说lets get a life)。

get是一个用处十分广泛的词,在不同的上下文中意思多变。新版(第四版)longman dictionary of contemporary english用了4页解释该词;含有get的成语可以说多得数不胜数,如商务印书馆出版的《英语习语大辞典》中收集了500多条含有get的成语,占了24页的篇幅。

《中国人最易犯的英汉翻译错误》 (六)

(long)和(short)是两个重要的概念,即可以指空间,也可以指时间,还可以构成许多成语。有意思的是,英语和汉语中颇有一些类似的说法,例如举世闻名的英语就译为 (the) long march,又如:long distance,长途(的),(pull a) long face愁眉苦脸(拉长着脸),for long长久,long-lived长寿的,long sighted有远见的(一般说far-sighted),take a long view从长远观点看,in short简单地说,make a long story short(也作make short of long)长话短说;英语中有些说法似乎和汉语不一样,但仍可推想出其意思来,如:before long不久以后(在很长时间过去之前。注意,long ago和long before的意思都是,但前者以目前为参照点,而后者以过去某个时间为参照点,所以,常用在间接引语中),long-playing record秘文唱片(可以放很长时间),long jump跳远(以前叫broad jump),cut short打断,the long and the short of something指(注意,复数形式的longs and shorts指希腊文和拉丁文古诗),nothing short of 不折不扣的是/完全是,he was long in deciding他迟迟才作出决定(他过了很长时间才作出决定,这里的long可以用slow取代);但是英语long一词的有些引申用法从汉语的字是推不出来的,如long hand(与shorthand相对而言的)普通书写,long robe法律(指职业,因法官一般都穿长袍)。有些成语很形象,如have a short fuse,脾气暴躁(引信短的炸药包很快就会爆炸)。i am a bit long in the tooth for all-night parties. 我上年纪了,不适合参加通宵的聚会了。(老人牙龈萎缩,看上去牙齿显得很长。)

有人把businessman had another long shot译为。然而,这一句话是商人的商业行为,这里的long shot意义扩展了,指。

请大家猜猜看long drink是什么意思。你要是猜为(相对而言,short drink则指)。但是,he took a long drink.的意思却是(指一口喝了很多酒)。


《中国人最易犯的英汉翻译错误》 (七)



(1) john runs faster than tom.

(2) john is more a teacher than a poet.

(3) this is more than i can tell you.

第一句是真正的比较,比的是两人同一特点:跑的速度快。实际上句子补全了应为:john runs faster than tom runs. 的比较,即tom runs less fast than john.有人会问为什么不说tom runs slower than john呢?因为两种说法含义不一样,会使人觉得。


1. they are asked to strive for lower birth rate.


2. every suitable opportunity should be used to bring nearer the unification of taiwan and the mainland.


3. this killed her efforts at a finer relation with him.



john does not run faster than tom. 这是本文讨论的第一句的否定形式,意为。

john runs no faster than tom. 这一句和上一句不一样,意为。这就是说,比较级和no连用时,说话人的着眼点在反面,又如:there are no more people in the room than in the yard. 如果有人向你解释某个问题,你听了半天还是不明白,你就可以说im sorry, i am still no wiser.(我还是不明白。)he can no more swim than a hummer can. 很有点儿比喻的意思,意为:


4. a big elephant is no more an animal than a little cat.


5. having children makes you no more a parent than having a piano makes you a pianist.


表示原级的比较,即asas,一般也不难译:john runs as fast as tom。但要注意这样的习惯用法:john runs as fast as anybody in his class.这一句如果译为这就错了。asas anybody有点相当于最高级的含义,正确译法是:再看这一句:there were many americans who were as disgusted as anybody by the activities of their government. 同样,如将这一句译成


6. the man is more dead than alive.



7. the difference is more apparent than real.


8. comparison, more than reality, make men happy or wretched.


9. my upbringing had been more that of a wild boy than that of a young lady.


10. he did not do very well in the test, but he got the job more by luck than management.



11. a fool can no more see his own folly than he can see his ears.


12. one cannot learn a foreign language overnight any more than he can eat a meat in one mouthful.


13. a panda is no more a cat than a dog.


本文开头的第三句又不一样,照字面译成就打错特错了。英语中常用more than这种肯定的形式表示一种婉转的否定。这一句的意思是


中国人最容易犯的英汉翻译错误 – 翻译硕士 考研论坛(容易犯罪的人群)插图
14. such work requires more than indomitable will.


15. he has better sense than be carried away by success.


16. you might have been more careful.




18. i had expected better judgment from you.


《中国人最易犯的英汉翻译错误》 (八)


英语里有一个谜语:when can a person become two persons? (一个人什么时候能变成两个人?)答案是:when one is so angry that he is beside himself 或 when he doubles up with laughter. 如果将答案翻译成汉语,好像完全答非所问:原文是一个文字游戏,这里beside himself是一个习语,意思是(气得/高兴得)发狂。一个人在另一个人旁边,这不就成了两个人了吗?而double up 也有两个意思,一是的意思,英文原文回答中就是最后一个意思,但double up还有一个意思,即。

英语里类似的双关(英语叫pun)文字游戏很多,因为无法翻译,所以,只有懂英语的人才能欣赏。这说明学英语并不总是一件苦差事,其中自有乐趣。下面再举几个有趣的例子,并说明其双关的所在。也许它们能 助你理解和记住几个英语单词;老师们也可以将给学生听,增强他们学习英语的兴趣。

1. -when a man feels girlish?

— when he makes his maiden speech.

maiden speech是;而maiden又有的意思。

2. – when is a very angry man like a clock fifty minutes past twelve?

– when he is just going to strike one.

时钟strike one是,12点50分离敲一点钟只有10分钟;strike one也可解释为。

3. – why shouldnt you believe a man in bed?

– because he is always lying.


4. – when did the blind man suddenly see?

– when he took up a hammer and saw.

这个双关与前面几个不同,saw是动词see(看见)的过去时,同时saw也是名词,意为。英文回答中a hammer and saw是当成一组工具看的,意思是,但是也可以把saw看成是和took并列的谓语动词,全局解释为,这样解释时and引导出时间状语,有just then或at that time的意思。

5. – how would a greedy man punctuate “i saw a one-hundred-dollar bill on the sidewalk?

– he would just make a dash after it.

这一句双关在dash一词,其一个意思为就叫100-meter dash。原句中make a dash after it是说。dash另一意思指。


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