


【难句26】adding a bluetooth chip to a phone now costs very little—around $2, down from $20 in 2001—but allows the manufacturer to increase the price of the handset by far more, and opens up a new market for high-margin accessories. (the economist jun. 8, 2006)

【结构分析】本句是典型的破折号分隔。首先以连词为切入点,得到adding a bluetooth chip to a phone now costs…but allows…, and opens up…,介词短语around $2, down from $20 in 2001充当的分隔成分作上文costs very little的具体解释说明,分隔了前两个并列的谓语。


【难句27】it was refreshing, across the age groups of the children i met, to see how quickly they grasped the whole idea of human rights and how, with a little bit of prompting from their teachers and me, they saw how relevant they were to their daily lives. (the guardian sep. 12, 2007)

【结构分析】本句使用了两处分隔,均由逗号表现。第一处分隔across the age groups of the children i met,分隔了主系表结构的一种特殊形式,即形容词+to do作表语。去掉分隔部分,我们得到it was refreshing to see how quickly they grasped the whole idea of human rights and how, with a little bit of prompting from their teachers and me, they saw how relevant they were to their daily lives。这里我们注意到see后面的宾语由两个how引导的从句充当:how quickly they grasped the whole idea of human rights and how…清晰看到第二处分隔为介宾短语with a little bit of prompting from their teachers and me作的伴随状语。去掉分隔,得到it was refreshing to see how quickly they grasped the whole idea of human rights and how they saw how relevant they were to their daily lives,即由and并列的两个how引导的宾语从句。在第二个从句中,谓语say后仍然是由how引导的名词性从句how relevant they were to their daily lives充当宾语。在翻译时,我们可将两个分隔部分所作的状语提前。


【难句28】what was interesting was how quickly, by using relevant and local examples where possible, the pupils cottoned on to how the interplay of rights and responsibilit
ies could affect their lives, and so became active and engaged participants in the classroom debates. (the guardian sep. 12, 2007)

【结构分析】本句体现了逗号分隔。主语部分由what引导的名词性从句充当,what在从句中作主语。表语由how引导的从句充当,被插入的方式状语by using relevant and local examples where possible分隔。去掉分隔,我们连接为what was interesting was how quickly the pupils cottoned on to how the interplay of rights and responsibilities could affect their lives, and so became active and engaged participants in the classroom debates。注意表语从句由and so连接了两个谓语cottoned on(理解)和became active and engaged participants,并且cottoned on to(理解)后的宾语也由how引导的从句充当。在翻译时,我们仍然将分隔部分所作的状语提前。


【难句29】it is only when the environment demands our attention—a dog barks, a child cries, a telephone rings—that our mental time machines switch themselves off and deposit us with a bump in the here and now. (time jan. 19, 2007)

【结构分析】本句是破折号分隔。分隔部分a dog barks, a child cries, a telephone rings分隔了原本的强调句型it is only when the environment demands our attention that our mental time machines switch themselves off and deposit us with a bump in the here and now。被强调的部分是when引导的状语从句表示时间。分隔部分由三个并列的名词短语构成,举例说明前文the environment的具体情况。


【难句30】nokia, which has made emerging markets a priority, continues to introduce low-cost phones designed for markets where many users do not have access to reliable electricity, and may not even be able to read. (business week jan. 29, 2007)

【结构分析】本句是逗号分隔,体现为非限制性定语从句。which has made emerging markets a priority分隔了主谓部分,去掉分隔,得到nokia continues to introduce lowcost phones designed for markets where many users do not have access to reliable electricity, and may not even be able to read。我们注意到markets后是一个关系副词where引导的定语从句where many users do not have access to reliable electricity,and may not even be able to read,where在从句中作状语,相当于in which。在翻译时,我们根据汉语习惯,将定语从句转译为全句的状语,并根据其使用了完成时态翻译为“……后”。



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